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Fiorenzato Grinder Adjustment Guide 

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Adjust your Fiorenzato grinder while it’s running by twisting the adjustment ring to your desired setting. From there, adjust the grind time if needed. Need to learn more? Keep reading.

As someone familiar with using Fiorenzato grinders, I want to ensure that folks considering this grinder have an easier time using it. Leading me to write this guide.

This guide will explain how to adjust the finesse and set a grind time. By then, you should have no issues grinding your beans.

Let’s begin.

Key Takeaways

  • Ensure your grinder is running while adjusting.
  • Adjust the finesse first & not the grind time.
  • Press down on the adjustment lock & twist the adjustment ring clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Press & hold “cup” buttons to get into the espresso time adjustment setting.

How to Adjust Grind Setting for Fiorenzato Coffee Ground

The following sections will explain the steps you’ll need to take (in order) on how to adjust your Fiorenzato coffee grinder. The steps to adjust your grinder are universal across all Fiorenzato’s grinders [1].

Dive in to learn more.

1. Adjust the Finesse

Press the adjustment lock on the side to unlock the adjustment ring. From there, use the bar poking out of the ring’s side to adjust the slider.

Push it counterclockwise for a more coarse grind.

Pull it clockwise to adjust it to a finer grind.

You must make these adjustments while the motor’s running. Doing so prevents the burrs from jamming and ensures that no coffee grounds buildup. Also, ensure that you don’t have any beans in the hopper while adjusting.

Ensure you adjust the finesse first rather than the time. Because it changes the amount of coffee you’ll get.

When finding a setting, grind a small amount of coffee beans to see whether the beans suit what grind style you want. If they don’t meet your ideal consistency, repeat the step above of adjusting your grind dial.

Once you find your ideal grind setting, move on to the next step.

2. Set the Grind Time

Press and hold the single or double cup icons to open up the dose time settings. From there, select the amount of seconds you want to grind your coffee for.

If you’re using the Fiorenzato All Ground, the timed settings only apply to grinding for the “Espresso” mode.

That’s all you need to know about adjusting your Fiorenzato grinder.

Wrapping Up

You’ll need to press down on the adjustment lock and twist your grinder adjustment dial clockwise or counterclockwise to grind your beans. The former for finer, the latter for coarser. From there, test your grind and set the grind time if needed.

Want to learn more about Fiorenzato grinders? Check out our other guides.

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Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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