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6 Best Commercial Coffee Roaster Machines in 2025

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Thanks for joining me as I show you the best commercial coffee roasters. This guide is for anyone looking to roast their coffee beans at the highest level.

I’ve researched tons of coffee roasting machines. Having concluded that research, I’ve selected the best overall as the Kaleido Sniper M10S. It has a large capacity and a lot of power to be able to deliver a high quality roast very efficiently.

kaleido sniper m10s

Kaleido Sniper M10S:
Best Overall

  • Type (Electric or Gas): Electric 
  • Price: $$
  • Bean Capacity: 1200 g / 2.6 lbs
  • Size & Weight:
    • 24.1″ in x 11.2″ in x 24.1″ in / 22.5 kg
  • Heat Level: 8/10
  • Automatic Rotation: Yes
  • Best For:
    • Small and medium-sized
      cafes or offices
  • Warranty: 1 year

You might not need to go all out like that if you’re looking for a roaster for a small cafe though. And you might need to go up a level for a larger cafe. So I’ve picked out six machines in total that should suit all preferences.

Stay tuned to find out what they are. 

Top 6 Commercial Coffee Roasting Machines 

6 Best Commercial Coffee Roasting Machines 

Now, let’s check out each of those six in some more detail.

1. Best Coffee Roaster Overall – Kaleido Sniper M10S

kaleido sniper m10s
Type (Electric or Gas)Electric
Bean Capacity1200 g / 2.6 lbs
Size & Weight24.1″ in x 11.2″ in x 24.1″ in
/ 22.5 kg
Heat Level8/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForSmall and medium-sized
cafes or offices
Warranty1 year


  • Even and fast bean roasting
  • Lots of settings for customisation


  •  Only one year of warranty

I think the best option for most people (except for those in large cafes with very high traffic) is going to be the Kaleido Sniper M10S. This is the biggest and best of the Kaleido Sniper range, and that’s really saying something.

For a start, this coffee roaster has a good capacity of 1200 g. That works out to around 150 cups of coffee roasted in one go. 

It roasts the beans using something called a ‘double heating’ system. This helps to keep air circulating well, ensuring that the beans are roasted quickly and evenly.

You don’t have to roast the beans on full heat though. The settings are super customizable, so if you want to roast at a lower temperature for a French roast, for example, that’s not going to be a problem.

The price is pretty fair considering you get all of this. I might have liked to have seen an extra warranty period anyway, but I doubt you’ll need to use it.

At the end of the day, the Kaleido Sniper M10S has to be the best commercial coffee roaster for most people right now! 

2. Best Coffee Roaster for Small Cafes – Kaleido Sniper M2

kaleido sniper m2 1
Type (Electric or Gas)Electric
Bean Capacity400 g / 0.9 lbs
Size & Weight27.1 in x 16.1 in x 25.2 in
/ 22.5 kg 
Heat Level7/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForSmaller cafes and offices
Warranty1 year 


  • Much more affordable Kaleido Sniper option
  • Still powerful and efficient


  • Not so powerful with lower capacity

Those with smaller cafes can save a little money by opting for a less powerful coffee roaster with a lower capacity. If that’s you, be sure to check out the Kaleido Sniper M2.

As you can see, this comes from the same brand as my overall top pick, and this is a good thing. Kaleido is a super trusted coffee roaster manufacturer and they’ve proved why once again with the Sniper M2.

This is the less powerful version of my top pick with lower capacity. But it’s hardly slacking! You can still roast 400 g of beans at a time here, and quickly. That’s about 50 cups of coffee at once. 

And again, the settings are very easy to customize so you can set up roasts of all kinds with ease. 

I wouldn’t recommend this roaster to those in medium or large cafes as I don’t think it’s going to have a good enough output. But if you don’t have a massive demand for beans then this is an amazing option for a great price. 

3. Best Coffee Roaster for Large Cafes – Roltin Coffee Roasting Machine

roltin coffee roasting machine
Type (Electric or Gas)Electric
Bean Capacity1500 g 
Size & Weight42 in x 34.3 in x 27.6 in
/ N/A
Heat Level9/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForMedium or large cafes
Warranty1 year


  • Very fast roasting
  • Large capacity


  • Very expensive 

It’s possible to really ramp up your coffee bean roasting output by opting for the Roltin Coffee Roasting Machine.

You should be able to roast 1500 g of coffee beans in under 15 minutes with this roaster. That’s an amazing output!

This is because the machine can roast at temperatures up to 240 g evenly. And you can easily change the settings for a slower, cooler roast.

The Roltin Coffee Roasting Machine is far from cheap though. As such, I think it’s going to be overkill for those looking for a roaster for small cafes. 

Furthermore, it is a large machine, so it will take up more space. That’s another reason it might not be suitable for smaller cafes. 

Anyhow, if you do have a medium or large cafe and are prepared to spend the extra money, the Roltin Coffee Roasting Machine will serve you well. 

4. Best Coffee Roaster for Small Businesses/Offices – Roltin Hot Air Roaster

roltin hot air roaster
Type (Electric or Gas)Electric
Bean Capacity300 g
Size & Weight21.9 in x 10 in x 16.1 in
/ N/A
Heat Level7/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForOffices and small cafes
Warranty1 year


  • Super quiet roasting
  • Very quick roasting and cooling


  • Low bean capacity

If you’re looking to get a commercial roaster for an office or a small business then you’re probably not going to need as much of an output as if you’re constantly making coffee in a medium or large cafe. 

So, you can save some money by opting for another option from Roltin, the Hot Air Roaster.

The bean capacity is low here at 300 g, or about 40 cups of coffee. But it’s super fast, so you’ll be able to get through a few roasts in a short space of time if you need to. For example, cooling the whole capacity only takes two minutes. 

Another benefit of this roaster that makes it suitable for offices is that it’s super quiet. You won’t need to distract your colleagues while roasting coffee when you’re using this thing!

It’s affordable too! However, smaller offices and businesses might be better off opting for a home roaster and saving even more money (you can look at some of the best home roasters here).

Nonetheless, the Roltin Hot Air Roaster will be a good option for those in larger offices or smaller cafes. 

5. Best for Coffee Roaster Companies (Industrial Option) – Mill City Coffee Roasters 6kg Coffee Roaster

mill city roasters 6 kg gas coffee roaster
Type (Electric or Gas)Gas
Bean Capacity6000 g
Size & Weight64 in x 39.9 in x 67.3 in
/ 29 kg for roaster body alone
Heat Level10/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForCoffee roaster companies
Warranty1 year plus 24/7 support


  • Super powerful
  • High capacity


  • Very expensive 

At the top end of the industrial scale is the Mill City Coffee Roasters. These incredible devices are amongst the best in the world.

The capacity here for this particular machine is a massive 6 kg, which would allow you to roast up to 38,500 cups of coffee’s worth of beans at a time.

It’ll do this in under 15 minutes as well thanks to an immense amount of gas power. Very impressive!

And you can even go bigger than this with Mill City Coffee Roasters. Their largest machine is an almighty 60 kg, 10x the one I’m showing you right now.

The machine also uses sensors to measure and steady the gas input so it’s not going to be tricky to use. And if you do have any issues, Mill City Coffee Roasters offer a 24/7 customer support team to anyone who buys one of their products. They’ll be able to help out!

This machine is going to be overkill for anyone working in a cafe. It’s very expensive, and the output means it’s only really suitable for coffee roaster companies. But if that’s you, this could be the perfect option!

6. Best Coffee Roaster for UK and Europe – HYQNG Commercial Coffee Roaster

hyqng commercial coffee roaster
Type (Electric or Gas)Electric
Bean Capacity1200 g
Size & Weight350 mm x 620 mm x 490 mm
/ 24 kg
Heat Level8/10
Automatic RotationYes
Best ForSmall and medium cafes
Warranty1 year


  • Very fast roasting
  • Reasonable capacity


  • Not worldwide available 

My European and British reader should check out the Commerical Coffee Roaster from HYQNG. It’s another high quality, high output roaster.

This coffee roaster actually isn’t available in the US so it’s specific to those European customers. The fact that it’s shipped from Europe will save those based in that part of the world money on shipping as well. And coffee roasters can cost a lot of money to ship!

The bean capacity here is 1200 g but the device also comes in 400 g and 800 g so you can save some money if you don’t feel like you need to roast that many beans in one go. 

The roasting time for that 1200 g is only around 15 minutes, so not quite as fast as my number three pick but not far off the pace. Cooling only takes 3 or 4 minutes as well.

This roaster might not have a big enough output for the larger cafes but I think it’s going to be a great option for small and medium cafes in the UK and Europe. 

Commercial Coffee Roaster Buying Guide

It’s important to understand what’s so great about each of the coffee roasters. So, check out my guide below. I’m about to explain exactly how I came to each of the decisions for my top six, and you’ll be able to use this information to make the right call for yourself. 

The main things you’ll need to think about are as follows…

Bean CapacityHow much coffee will you need to be roasting for your cafe or office?
Gas vs ElectricWhich type of heat power is going to be best for your roast?
Fluid Bed or DrumEach type of roaster has different properties for flavor 
Size and WeightIs the roasting machine going to fit comfortably in your cafe or office?
PriceDon’t spend any more money than you really want to!
Heat LevelHotter machines generally mean faster roasting
Rotation SpeedHot roasters need to be turned quickly to avoid burning 
Extra FeaturesCoffee roasters can also feature a bunch of extra cool add-ons

Now, let’s find out more about those categories.

1. Bean Capacity

Perhaps the most important thing to think about with commercial coffee roasters is the amount of beans it can roast at a time. Is it going to be able to deliver enough output for your coffee shop or office?

I recommend taking the time to crunch the numbers in order to find out how many beans you need to be roasting, if you don’t know already. Imagine that one cup of coffee is around 7 g, then work out how many cups you need per hour. 

Here’s a look at how much coffee you’d be able to roast at a time with different bean capacities. 

Bean CapacityCoffee Cups
500 g3500
1 kg7000
2 kg 14,000
5 kg35,000
10 kg70,000
50 kg 350,000

Then, multiply the figures together and you should have a rough idea of the bean capacity you need. 

It should be noted that there are coffee roasters out there with larger bean capacities than my top picks today. If you want to roast beans on an industrial scale, it is possible.

But, it’s probably not going to be necessary for those working in most cafes. They’re going to cost you a fortune, and will likely be overkill for most people. 

2. Gas vs Electric 

Most professionals are going to want an electric roasting machine instead of a gas one. That’s why I’ve picked mostly electric ones in my selections today. 

Electric coffee machines will be more efficient for those looking to roast beans in an actual coffee shop. They start at a smaller size and are typically a lot more affordable. 

Gas roasting machines are typically for super industrial operations. They’re probably going to be unnecessarily powerful for those looking to roast small batch beans in a coffee shop.

3. Fluid Bed or Drum

I typically recommend a drum coffee roaster for commercial use. They’re able to deliver a much higher output of beans, which is what people are going to want in a commercial coffee environment. 

Fluid bed coffee roasting machines roast beans by pushing a bed of hot air across the beans whereas drum roasting machines will actually rotate the beans while heating them steadily from below. 

Drum roasters are generally more affordable in terms of the amount of beans for the cost incurred as well.

You could opt for a fluid bed roaster if you have a smaller cafe and you’re interested in highlighting specific flavors in the coffee. This is something that fluid bed roasters are supposed to be able to do, but I don’t think there’s a massive difference in the taste overall. 

4. Size and Weight

If you have a small cafe, you may need to think about the size of the coffee roaster. Commercial roasters can be really big, so make sure to work out if you have the space for one.

I’ve listed all the sizes for my top picks. So it could be worth measuring the space you’ve dedicated to your coffee roaster to find out if you have the room. 

5. Price

Commercial coffee roasters are going to be expensive, that’s a fact. But you don’t need to spend more than necessary. If you have a small cafe, there’s no point spending tens of thousands of dollars on a super high performance roaster.

Smaller cafe owners could get away with spending a couple of thousand dollars. Medium cafe owners should be looking at around $5000. And large cafes could be looking for coffee roasters that cost around $10,000. 

Some coffee roasters can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars though! So if you’re looking to buy a coffee roaster for an industrial operation, this might be the amount of money you’re looking at. 

6. Heat Level

This is another super important factor to consider for commercial coffee roasters in line with the bean capacity. The higher the heat, the faster you’re going to be able to roast.

It’s not as black and white as that sometimes. You’re not going to want to roast on a high heat if you’re making dark roast coffee for espresso, for example. 

That’s because these take longer to roast and if you subject the beans to a lot of heat for a long period of time, you risk burning them.

7. Rotation Speed

Powerful coffee roasters should have a good rotation for their drums so that heat can be distributed to the beans evenly.

I don’t think this is going to be much of an issue with commercial roasters as most of them are designed with good heat distribution in mind. But it could be something to look into if you’re opting for the budget route.

8. Extra Features

There are a couple of extra features I recommend seeking out when you buy a commercial coffee roaster. 

  • Temperature control: It’s pretty crucial that you opt for a commercial coffee roaster where you can control the temperature, for a start. Otherwise, you won’t be able to roast a variety of different beans (light roast, dark roast etc.)
  • Automatic timing: You’re probably not going to want to spend your time constantly checking the beans to see if they’re ready to go. The best commercial roasters will sound an alarm and switch off when the roast is ready.
  • Touchscreen display: It’ll make your life easier and save you time if you’re able to change the settings and see what’s going on with the roast through a display. And it’s even better if that display is touchscreen!

Best Coffee Roaster Machines FAQ

Here are a couple of extra pieces of information about using coffee roasters that you might find useful.

How often do I need to clean my commercial roasting machine?

If you’re running a public cafe, you’ll need to ensure your coffee roaster is always clean. I recommend cleaning it vigorously daily as the beans themselves will leave a residue of oil that will build up over time and become harder to clean.

Is it better to roast my own beans or buy pre-roasted beans?

Technically, it tastes better to buy beans and roast them yourself. The newer the roast, the fresher the taste. That could go a long way for your customers if you run a cafe.

Plus, buying beans that aren’t roasted is cheaper, so you might save money over time if you’re using your roaster a lot. 

My Verdict

We’re about to wrap up, but before we do, let’s take a quick look at my top three picks one more time. I think one of these three is going to be best for all commercial users.

  • Best Overall – Kaleido Sniper M10S: This roaster is the sweet spot between great output and not being crazily expensive. Sure, it isn’t cheap, but in terms of value for money, I think it’s the best option out there for most people. 
  • Best for Small Cafes – Kaleido Sniper M2: You could stick with the same brand as my top pick and save quite a lot of money if you’re not as concerned about a very high output. This is still a very good coffee roaster!
  • Best for Large Cafes – Roltin Coffee Roasting Machine: This one is going to set you back a fair amount of money but if you want to roast a lot of coffee beans quickly and to a very high standard, there’s nothing better. 

Which one of these do you think is best for you? The ball’s in your court now!

kaleido sniper m10s

Kaleido Sniper M10S:
Best Overall

  • Type (Electric or Gas): Electric 
  • Price: $$
  • Bean Capacity: 1200 g / 2.6 lbs
  • Size & Weight:
    • 24.1″ in x 11.2″ in x 24.1″ in / 22.5 kg
  • Heat Level: 8/10
  • Automatic Rotation: Yes
  • Best For:
    • Small and medium-sized
      cafes or offices
  • Warranty: 1 year
Photo of author


Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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