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7 Best Under Cabinet Coffee Makers in 2025

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This is a review of the best under cabinet coffee makers. Keep reading and find a coffee machine that’ll fit under your cabinet.

I often complain about coffee makers lacking vertical clearance to fit under wall cabinets. That inspired me to write this guide on finding the best under-cabinet coffee makers.

I chose the Keurig K-Duo as the best overall because it’ll brew full carafes and single cups of coffee. It also supports K-Cups and ground coffee. Making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants flexibility with brewing.

keurig k duo

Keurig K-Duo: Best Overall

  • Price: $$
  • Dimensions: 12.76 × 10.94 × 12.92 in (D, W, H)
  • Water Capacity: 60 fl oz = 10 cups
  • Coffee Maker Type: Capsule
  • Material: Plastic
  • Carafe Material: N/A
  • Warranty: 1 year

It might not fit under cabinets that have less vertical clearance. Check out other machines on this list that require less space.

Let’s dive in.

Best Under Cabinet Coffee Makers for Home Use

  1. Keurig K-Duo: Top pick
  2. Nespresso Essenza Mini: Beginner-friendly
  3. BUNN CSB2B: Best for RVs
  4. Black + Decker 12-Cup Thermal Programmable Coffee Maker: Includes timer
  5. Breville Precision Brewer: Includes temperature control
  6. Gaggia Classic Pro: Includes milk frother
  7. Bialetti Moka Express: Best maker, Australia

Top Under Cabinet Coffee Makers

The following sections will compare various under cabinet coffee machines. I’ll cover each machine’s pros, cons, who they’re best for, and an explanation of what type of machine it is.

When searching for this keyword, I hope you considered the differences between regular cabinets and upper cabinets—or wall cabinets. Don’t worry. I’ve accommodated for both.

Standard cabinets have a height of 34.5 inches [1]. Meanwhile, the average wall cabinet will give you around 18 inches of clearance between your countertop and the cabinet’s bottom.

I did the best I could to cover coffee makers that you won’t have to move. Or that have frontal access to water reservoirs. Almost all coffee makers should fit under upper cabinets, but the issue lies in the access to water reservoirs and filter baskets.

Accessing these areas often requires several inches of vertical clearance, which often requires folks to move their machines.

Let’s dive into the first pick.

1. Keurig K-Duo: Best Overall

keurig k duo
Price *$$
Dimensions12.76 × 10.94 × 12.92 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for60 fl oz = 10 cups
Coffee Maker TypeCapsule
Carafe MaterialN/A
Warranty1 year


  • Multiple brewing methods & types.
  • Removable drip tray.
  • Automatically powers off after a couple hours.


  • Requires a decent amount of vertical clearance.
  • Not much brew selection options.

The Keurig K-Duo is best for households that appreciate convenience and variety, as it offers the flexibility to brew single servings using K-Cup pods or larger carafes using ground coffee.

A capsule coffee maker forces hot water through a pre-packaged capsule containing ground coffee, creating a quick, consistent brew. Perfect for busy individuals or those who dislike dealing with loose coffee grounds.

If you’re after flexibility with a coffee maker, the Keurig K-Duo is the perfect pick.

It brews carafes via drip coffee brewing (ground coffee) and single cups using K-Cup coffee pods. Ideal if sometimes you need large amounts of coffee, and other times when a single cup will do.

Despite the flexibility, it requires a fair amount of vertical space, but should fit under most standard cabinets. And you won’t need to move it. When opening the K-Cup lid, it’ll require 17.6 inches. Opening the ground coffee side’s lid will require 18 inches.

Depending on the space under your cabinet, you may need more space. This will vary by kitchen.

The drip tray is removable, which makes it easier to clean. And it’ll give you enough space to place a travel mug under the single-cup brewing side.

Another perk that makes this machine easier is that it’ll automatically power off after a couple of hours. During this time, it’ll keep your coffee warm.

It allows you to choose between strong coffee—a slower extraction time—and regular brew. Would have been nice to see more granular control with brewing temperature and time with this machine. But it’s a Keurig, they usually don’t offer such options.

This machine may not fit under many countertops. Consider the next pick for a capsule machine that’ll accommodate less space between cabinets and counters.

2. Nespresso Essenza Mini: Best for Beginners

nespresso essenza mini espresso breville
Price *$$
Dimensions3.3 × 12 × 8.03 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for20 fl oz = 3 cups
Coffee Maker TypeCapsule
Carafe MaterialNA
Warranty1 year


  • Heats up in 25 seconds.
  • Easiest way to make espresso.
  • Automatically powers off after 9 min.


  • Doesn’t include milk frother.
  • Can’t program it to brew later.
  • Doesn’t brew black coffee.

The Nespresso Essenza Mini is best for individuals with limited kitchen space due to its compact design.

A capsule coffee maker works by forcing hot water under high pressure through coffee capsules, extracting a consistent, high-quality brew. It’s perfect for those seeking simplicity, speed, and consistency in their daily coffee routine.

The Nespresso’s an ideal investment for households that want quick espresso with minimal cleanup.

You’ll only need to clean up the pods. Speaking of—the Essenza Mini is a part of Nespresso’s Original line. Meaning, it only accepts Original pods (the smaller ones). These pods brew single, double, lungo, and ristretto espresso shots.

They don’t brew black coffee like Nespresso’s Vertuo shots. Want a compact Nespresso Machine that serves black coffee? Consider the Nespresso Vertuo model.

I digress:

The Essenza Mini heats up in 25 or fewer seconds and brews coffee in 30 seconds. Making it a perfect companion for office workers, students, or anyone else in a rush who requires a quick pick-me-up.

It’s not ideal for anyone who wants to make milk-based drinks like lattes. It doesn’t include a milk frother or steam wand, which is critical for making those drinks. I recommend getting an Aeroccino or other milk-frothing device in that case.

I sobbed a bit when learning we couldn’t program the Essenza Mini to brew later. Get a smart plug to counter that con. And once the machine’s done brewing, a feature within the Mini will automatically power off the machine after 9 minutes.

All these features make this the easiest way to make espresso with minimal maintenance. The most maintenance you’ll need to perform is descaling every few months. And you’d do that when your coffee tastes funny.

You may not want espresso. Consider this drip coffee maker as an alternative.

3. BUNN Speed Brew: Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker for RVs

bunn speed brew
Price *$$
Dimensions7.7 × 12.7 × 13.8 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for10 cups
Coffee Maker TypeDrip coffee maker
MaterialStainless steel
Carafe MaterialGlass
Warranty3 years


  • Brews 10 cups in under 4 minutes.
  • Keeps water in reservoir hot.
  • Sprayhead showers all coffee grounds.


  • Screen filter has its downsides.
  • Pouring nozzle can lead to spillage.
  • Can’t program to brew later.

The BUNN Speed Brew (CSB2B) is ideal for anyone who wants fast brew time and high capacity, perfect for accommodating frequent social gatherings.

A drip coffee maker works by heating water and directing it through a filter filled with coffee grounds. The brewed coffee then drips into a carafe. This method is ideal for those who enjoy hosting gatherings, given its ability to brew multiple cups simultaneously.

You’ll find this coffee maker worth the money if you’re after something fast and accommodating gatherings.

That’s thanks to its ability to brew 10 cups of coffee in under 4 minutes. I have seen tests of it brewing in 3 and a half minutes. That’s perfect for if you’re in a rush to make several guests large amounts of coffee.

How does it brew coffee in such a short period?

A button on the machine’s rear’ll keep your water reservoir hot, eliminating heating time. Meanwhile, the machine uses a negligible amount of extra electricity to keep the water heated.

And once it’s ready to brew, the spray head will spray water on all the coffee grounds, which results in a more even flavor extraction.

Otherwise, I can’t recommend this coffee maker for other purposes. It’s only viable for someone who wants a coffee maker to automatically brew coffee if you connect it to a smart plug. You can’t program the machine to power on later. And it doesn’t automatically power off.

The mesh screen filter is optional to use. It’ll save you at least $18 a year otherwise spent on paper filters. But it becomes a pain to clean because oils from your beans will cake in the mesh. Finer grounds may escape into your coffee and create a gritty-tasting drink.

And when it’s time to pour your coffee, you’ll see a strange plastic piece over the pouring nozzle. It supposedly makes pouring easier, but it doesn’t. It makes it more difficult and leads to spills. Keep a rag by you when pouring. Or remove the plastic part.

If you’re after a stainless steel carafe and a coffee maker that has a couple of extra cups worth of capacity, check out the next option.

4. Black + Decker 12-Cup Thermal Programmable Coffee Maker: Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker with Timer

black decker 12 cup thermal programmable coffee maker
Price *$
Dimensions9 × 9.4 × 13.2 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for12 cups
Coffee Maker TypeDrip coffee maker
Carafe MaterialStainless steel
Warranty1 year


  • Water reservoir window on front.
  • 4-layered stainless steel carafe.
  • Thorough instruction manual.


  • Might not fit under standard wall cabinets.
  • No granule control over brewing parameters.
  • Clock isn’t backlit.

The Black + Decker 12-Cup Thermal Programmable Coffee Maker (CM2046S) is ideal for busy households that value hot, fresh coffee throughout the day due to its large capacity and thermal feature.

A drip coffee maker heats water, disperses it over coffee grounds, and drips the brewed coffee into a carafe. It’s perfect for those who prefer a milder, evenly extracted brew.

Anyone who loves Black + Decker products will find this machine as a worthy investment.

Unlike most coffee machines, they have a window to see the remaining water in your reservoir. Making it an ideal design choice for anyone who surrounds their coffee maker with other appliances. That way, you won’t have to move the machine to look on the machine’s side.

Because most machines have this window on the side.

It’s a shame this coffee maker isn’t front-loading.

Opening the Black + Decker’s lid will require around 22 inches of vertical clearance. Meaning it won’t fit under standard wall cabinets. However, the machine’s a couple pounds and won’t weigh much if you need to move it around your counter.

Another downer is that the clock isn’t backlit. While minor, seeing the clock in a low-light environment is impossible.

However, the Black + Decker has a 4-layered stainless steel carafe. It’s thicker than most thermal carafes, which have a couple layers. You’ll have the means to keep your coffee warmer for longer without a warming plate.

The 12-Cup gives you a choice between Strong or Regular coffee. If you haven’t read the rest of this guide, “Strong” means the coffee maker will take longer to brew to extract more flavors.

That’s not ideal for anyone who wants a more diluted drink automatically. You must add less coffee beans or more water to customize your drink.

This machine isn’t ideal for anyone who wants to contour their drinks to meet specific preferences. The next machine will do that.

5. Breville Precision Brewer: Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker with Temperature Control

breville precision brewer
Price *$$$
Dimensions6.7 × 12.4 × 15.7 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for60 oz = 10 cups
Coffee Maker TypeDrip coffee maker
MaterialStainless steel
Carafe MaterialStainless steel or glass.
Warranty1 year


  • You can use any pour-over brewer.
  • Granular control over brewing parameters.
  • SCA certified.


  • Reusable mesh basket can pose issues.
  • Water tank marking is strange.
  • Water reservoir isn’t removable.

The Breville Precision Brewer is best for coffee connoisseurs seeking control over their brew.

A drip coffee maker heats water and drips it over a filter filled with ground coffee, resulting in a flavorful brew. It’s ideal for busy individuals or families.

If you don’t mind setting a higher budget, this coffee machine’s worth the price.

I died inside a bit when I didn’t consider this machine the best overall. But you can’t beat the convenience a Keurig offers. Plus, it’s more beginner-friendly. This machine’s better for intermediate or advanced home baristas.

However, the pre-programmed buttons like Strong and Gold make life much easier for beginners. Since it’ll set specific brewing parameters. And what does “Gold” mean?

That refers to the Specialty Coffee Association’s Gold Cup standard. This machine’s SCA certified, which means it brews coffee in optimal conditions. For instance, brewing temperatures will never exceed 205 °F. And your coffee won’t have much sediment in it [2].

More advanced brewers who want to put a lot of time into making the perfect cup will have granular control over the following:

  • Bloom time
  • Bloom volume
  • Brew temperature
  • Flow rate

And if those don’t give you enough control, use whatever cone-shaped or flat-bottomed manual pour over device your heart desires. For instance, you could use a Hario V60 instead of the default filter holder that combines flat- and cone-shapes.

Use whatever filter type you want (paper or mesh), but I placed my gripe about the mesh filter to present a warning. These save you at least $18 a year otherwise spent on paper filters. But they’re harder to clean and don’t produce the cleanest-tasting coffee.

Oils accumulate on the mesh filters and coffee grounds can wedge themselves in it, which can present issues when cleaning. The accumulated oils could also lead to stale-tasting coffee.

My biggest concerns come with the water reservoir, though, the concerns aren’t deal-breaking.

It would have been cool to see half liter measurements on the water reservoir to add specific measurements. And having a removable water reservoir would make more sense than not. Because it would have been easier to clean and refill.

Having a static reservoir also makes it more difficult to place this machine under a cabinet. But it’s still possible. You’ll have to move the machine, though.

Coffee expert James Hoffman even recommended this machine [3]. It must have some sort of charm.

This isn’t an espresso maker. If you’re looking for a machine that’ll brew espresso shots, consider the next pick.

6. Gaggia Classic Pro: Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker with Milk Frother

Gaggia Classic Pro Espresso Machine

Price *$$$
Dimensions8 × 9.5 × 14.2 in (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for71 fl oz = 71 solo shots
Coffee Maker TypeSemi-automatic espresso maker
MaterialStainless steel
Carafe MaterialNA
Warranty1 year


  • Robust construction.
  • Can access water reservoir from front & top.
  • Steam wand produces great pressure.


  • Cheap-feeling portafilter handle & steam knob.
  • No dedicated hot water dispenser.
  • Can’t steam milk & brew coffee simultaneously.

The Gaggia Classic Pro is ideal for coffee enthusiasts seeking a high-quality, semi-automatic machine for crafting barista-level espresso drinks at home.

A semi-automatic espresso maker allows the user to control elements like grind size, tamping pressure, and extraction time. Making it perfect for coffee lovers who enjoy the art of precision and customization in brewing.

The Gaggia Classic Pro is one of the best semi-automatic espresso machines to get your coffee ground-covered hands-on. Hence, it’s worth the price.

It has some of the most robust construction a coffee machine could have. Most parts are made of stainless steel, allowing this machine to last for years. However, Gaggia cut some corners.

One of those corners is using cheap plastic for the portafilter handle and steam knob. It doesn’t look or feel good. If you care about that and will keep this machine for a very long time, consider replacing the two.

Find a replacement for the former for around $50 and the latter for $20.

Gaggia also cheaped out with the inclusion of a single boiler. It takes the longest to heat out of all the boiler types and doesn’t allow you to brew coffee and froth milk simultaneously.

But the milk wand will produce some of the best-tasting microfoam (frothed milk) with great texture. This will improve any latte’s mouthfeel and taste.

You could also use the milk wand as a hot water dispenser. Otherwise, the Classic Pro doesn’t have a built-in one. You’d usually find these on higher-end espresso machines.

The water reservoir is a blessing for anyone with counter space that isn’t that deep.

You could refill the reservoir by pulling it out through the machine’s front or by reaching on top of it. That means you could have this under a low-hanging wall cabinet and not have to move your machine to refill it.

This machine does have plastic, but not in areas that’ll come in contact with your drink. If that isn’t good enough, consider this plastic-free coffee maker.

7. Bialetti Moka Express: Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker, Australia

bialetti moka
Price *$
Dimensions16.5 × 10.9 × 21.9 cm (D, W, H)
Water Capacity / Enough for12 cups
Coffee Maker TypeStovetop
Carafe MaterialAluminum
Warranty2 years


  • Portable.
  • Easy to use.
  • Durable & long-lasting.


  • Can produce bitter coffee.
  • Requires careful cleaning.
  • Not suitable for all stovetops.

The Bialetti Moka Express is ideal for people in Australia because it’ll work on most heating surfaces. That means you could get a coffee maker without worrying about voltage compatibility.

A stovetop coffee maker works by heating water in a lower chamber, creating pressure that forces steam through the coffee grounds in an upper chamber. It’s perfect for people who value simplicity and are okay with the time it takes to brew coffee.

This stovetop espresso maker is worth the cost because it produces rich-tasting coffee at a low price.

It uses all aluminum components, no plastic. You eliminate the risk for any plastics to get into your drink. However, using aluminum over stainless steel poses its own set of cons. The main one being you can’t use it with induction stovetops.

These stovetops will only heat magnetic metals (e.g., stainless steel)—aluminum isn’t magnetic. Fix this by buying a stainless steel adapter that’ll absorb heat from the stovetop and transfer it to the Express. Or by buying the stainless steel Bialetti Venus.

The Venus is a stainless steel Moka Pot that costs more than the Express, but works on any heating surface.

Aluminum also isn’t dishwasher safe. The chemicals in cleaning agents could lead to corrosion. Despite the cons, this aluminum monster (good monster) could last for more than 10 years.

To use the Express, place coffee grounds in the bottom chamber with water and let the machine work. But it requires your undivided attention. Otherwise, you risk over-extracting your coffee.

Over-extraction means bitter-tasting drinks. It happens when you let coffee brew for too long.

Due to the coffee maker’s size and ability to use on most surfaces, it’s an ideal companion for camping and traveling. So long as you have access to a heating element like a campfire or stovetop in an Airbnb.

That’s all for the reviews. Learn how to make a checklist to ensure you’re making the right buying decision.

How to Choose the Best Under Cabinet Coffee Maker

Use this checklist to understand how to choose the best under cabinet coffee machine:

Size & Space AvailabilityEnsures the coffee maker fits perfectly in your kitchen.
Brewing CapacityDictates the volume of coffee the machine can brew.
Ease of UseSimple operation and accessible controls enhance convenience.
Quality & DurabilityInfluences the machine’s longevity and coffee taste.
Additional FeaturesAdditional features can enhance usability and personalization.
Type of MachineThis choice affects coffee style and brewing method.
Drinks It Could BrewAffects the variety of coffee drinks you can prepare.

I’ll cover each of these checkpoints more in depth throughout the following sections. Combine the information I provide with your preferences to pick the perfect under cabinet coffee maker.

1. Size & Space Availability

The size of an under-cabinet coffee maker, determined by factors such as the water reservoir, carafe, and filters, needs to fit within the space beneath your kitchen cabinets.

Smaller units are ideal for individuals or small families, while larger ones serve larger families or heavy coffee drinkers.

Typically, under-cabinet coffee makers are about 10–13 inches in height, and under 12 inches in width and depth. Designed to align with standard kitchen cabinets, which are usually positioned 17–20 inches above countertops.

2. Brewing Capacity

Brewing capacity impacts the volume of coffee an under cabinet machine can produce and its physical size.

Large reservoirs enable brewing multiple cups at once, beneficial for heavy coffee drinkers or households, but demand more space. Smaller ones suit occasional drinkers or space-saving kitchens, but require frequent refilling.

Typical under cabinet coffee makers hold 10 to 12 cups. Choose based on your consumption needs and available space to strike the perfect balance.

3. Ease of Use

Ease of use in under-cabinet coffee machines impacts user experience, reducing time and effort for preparing coffee.

Factors influencing ease of use include clear instructions, intuitive controls, and automatic functions. Auto-brew timers, pre-programmable settings, and simplified cleaning processes are features that enhance usability.

The compact design of under-cabinet machines conserves kitchen space. Features like front-facing controls and dropdown or slide-out brewing components make them user-friendly.

4. Quality & Durability

Superior-quality machines often incorporate rust-resistant materials, robust internal components, and efficient, precise brewing systems.

Look for stainless steel construction, advanced electronic systems, and proven brand reputations for reliability. Features enhancing durability include heat-resistant plastic parts, anti-drip mechanisms, and auto-shutoff to prevent overheating.

Well-designed machines incorporate space-saving, efficient layouts that distribute heat evenly, further enhancing their lifespan. Always choose a machine with a strong warranty as an additional indicator of durability.

Many under-cabinet coffee makers have some stainless steel components and anti-drip mechanisms.

5. Additional Features

Consider these features when shopping for an under cabinet coffee maker:

FeatureHow It Makes Life Easier
Programmable Brew TimerAllows setting a brew time in advance for convenience
Space-Saving DesignMaximizes kitchen counter space
Thermal CarafeKeeps coffee warm for longer periods
Auto Shut-OffProvides safety and energy efficiency
Built-in Water FiltrationEnsures clean, great-tasting coffee
Multiple Brew Strength OptionsCustomizes coffee taste according to preference
Single Serve OptionMakes exactly the amount needed, reducing waste
Integrated GrinderProvides fresh-ground beans for optimal flavor
Voice Control Capability (Smart Home Integration)Enables hands-free operation for accessibility

I don’t recommend getting an integrated grinder with any under cabinet coffee maker, since it’ll add additional height. Then it’ll require more vertical clearance to reach the bean hopper.

Most lower-end under cabinet coffee makers won’t include built-in water filtration or smart home integration. However, you could probably find lower-end niche models that do.

You’ll commonly find features such as auto shut-off, programmability, and multiple brew strength options. Though most brew strengths allow you to choose between strong and regular.

6. Type of Machine

Let’s compare types of machines we could categorize as under cabinet coffee makers:

Coffee MakerBest ForAvg. Price
Drip Coffee MakerAutomation & saving time, large volumes.$20–$100
AeroPressTravelers & single-cup coffee aficionados.$30–$40
Manual Pour-overPrecision & control, coffee connoisseurs.$20–$60
Thermal Coffee MakerKeeping coffee hot for long periods, offices.$40–$150
Stovetop Coffee MakerSimplicity & strong coffee lovers, small kitchens.$20–$50
Capsule Coffee MakerQuick espresso.$100–$250
Semi-automatic Espresso MakerMore control over espresso-making.$50–$1,000

Here’s who each machine works best for:

  • Get a drip coffee maker if: You want to automate making black coffee.
  • Get an AeroPress if: You want a coffee maker for traveling.
  • Get a manual pour-over coffee maker if: You want absolute control over every brewing parameter when making black coffee.
  • Get a thermal coffee maker if: You want black coffee that’ll stay warm for hours without relying on a warming plate.
  • Get a stovetop espresso maker if: You want a rich-tasting espresso-like drink that doesn’t demand much space.
  • Get a capsule coffee maker if: You want to fully automate espresso making without paying a fortune.
  • Get a semi-automatic espresso maker if: You want more granular control over making espresso.

Stovetop coffee makers produce the richest-tasting coffee and require the least amount of space. However, they require your undivided attention to ensure you don’t overcook your coffee. Some percolators have plugs and will function the same as stovetop coffee makers.

I recommend a percolator if you want more automation.

For speed and consistent-tasting drinks, opt for capsule coffee makers. You plop a pod in, wait for it to brew, then toss the pod. That’s all.

7. Drinks It Could Brew

Drinks that typical under cabinet coffee makers could brew include:

AmericanoBlack coffeeEspresso shots
Black EyeMochaIrish Coffee
CappuccinoMacchiatoLazy Eye
LatteFlat WhiteRed Eye

All drip coffee makers, AeroPress, K-Cups, and combination machines will brew black coffee.

You’ll need espresso makers to get the rest of the drinks on this table. Then to get drinks that require micro- or macrofoam—what’s used in lattes and cappuccinos—you need a milk frother or steam wand.

Stovetop and most capsule coffee makers don’t include such accessories and require you to purchase separate appliances. Most espresso machines (no matter the type) will include at least a steam wand. Sometimes, they’ll include milk frothers.

The coffee you get from stovetop coffee makers and percolators aren’t technically espresso. They lack crema and use a couple bars of pressure for brewing. Espresso machines use at least 9 bars of pressure.


These coffee maker types still brew espresso-like drinks, which most consider as concentrated coffee.

FAQs for Under Cabinet Coffee Makers

Read on to find frequently asked questions about under cabinet coffee makers.

Will Steam Come from Coffee Makers When Under Cabinets?

Yes, steam often comes from coffee makers. If placed under cabinets, this steam can cause damage over time due to moisture buildup and heat exposure.

Our Verdict

Our top 3 picks are as follows:

I chose the Keurig K-Duo as the top pick because of its support for carafes and K-Cups. Along with supporting ground coffee. All these features make it ideal for folks who love variety with their coffee.

keurig k duo

Keurig K-Duo: Best Overall

  • Price: $$
  • Dimensions: 12.76 × 10.94 × 12.92 in (D, W, H)
  • Water Capacity: 60 fl oz = 10 cups
  • Coffee Maker Type: Capsule
  • Material: Plastic
  • Carafe Material: N/A
  • Warranty: 1 year


  • * Price will vary by model, manufacturer, and vendor.
Photo of author


Tim Lee is, as you might have guessed the founder of He is a former barista and a professional web publisher. He has now combined his knowledge and expertise in both subjects to create
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